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Türkiye'nin ilk yerleşik düzende kurulu ilk "Outdoor Club" doğa sporları ve etkinlik merkezi

Boot Camp
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Türkiye'nin ilk yerleşik düzende kurulu ilk "Outdoor Club" doğa sporları ve etkinlik merkezi

Boot Camp
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Boot camp activity consists of equipment produced with natural materials and sports movements inspired by military trainings carried out on tracks specially created for the geographical conditions in which the facility is located.

In order to participate in "boot camp" trainings specially prepared for groups under the supervision of a private instructor, a healthy physical structure as well as self-confidence, perseverance and being open to pushing the limits are required. The meals and treats offered during the camp period consist of menus prepared by our cooks in accordance with special demands in a way to provide the energy needed at the intense pace required by the program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Off-road activities are done with 4x4 vehicles in special racecourses. There is an off-road version for mountain bikes as well.